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ISF Non-Compliance Penalties started July 9th, 2013

U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced it would begin full enforcement of the Importer Security Filing (ISF or 10+2) requirement on July 9. On that date, the agency will begin to issue liquidated damages for ISF violations, such as filing incomplete, inaccurate or late documentation. Penalties may be as much as $5,000 per violation. Although the ISF rule went into effect in 2009, the penalties have only gradually been phased in so that shippers and carriers could learn how to collect and file the necessary documents.

CBP requires importers to submit 10 pieces of data, such as the name and location of the manufacturer, associated with international shipments moving by ocean container. The data must be electronically transmitted 24 hours prior to cargo loading on the vessel and carriers must subsequently provide their vessel stow plans and container status messages. For ocean carriers, CBP may refuse to grant a permit to unload the merchandise if they violate the vessel stow plan requirement.

The ISF rule is commonly referred to as �10+2″ because of the two data sets required. CBP originally said it would start issuing liquidated damages associated with ISF filing mistakes in the fourth quarter of 2010. Liquidated damages is a Customs term that means an importer or its agent failed to meet the conditions of a bond. They are technically different from penalties, which are issued in response to smuggling and other direct violations of law. The ISF rule allows for liquidated damages of $5,000 per violation, which could reach $10,000 on a shipment if amendments to the ISF are filed with errors.

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